If you are the type of person that gets a rush from just saving a couple of dollars on their final purchase, then this is the right article for you. There are several ways to save money while shopping online, and it is just a matter of being patient and learning all the tricks and cheats around it.
Here is a list of some of the ways that you can save yourself some money:
Download “Honey”
Honey is an app for your computer, which goes directly to your tab, and lets you know if there are any available discounts in the page you are shopping on. Often they have more than one type of discount for your purchase, which is extremely convenient. In addition, even if you are not shopping at the moment, you could always check honey to see what discounts are available in different stores for your next purchase.
Keep items on your shopping cart
Having a wishlist with a store, or keeping items in your shopping cart often leads to the store notifying you when that item goes on sale. It is an effective way to buy something for less money that it was originally, but it requires patience from buyer. Not all stores notify their customers, however make sure you have an account for various stores that you shop at, to even be notified on any type of upcoming sale.
Check coupon sites for promo codes
Make sure to always search for promo codes before you finish your purchase. A lot of coupon sites have discount codes for numerous stores online, so make sure you browse these sites before paying, it might save you a couple of dollars.
Search the item in Google
Before making a purchase, make sure you are taking home the best deal. As easily as typing the item’s name in Google, it might help you determine if you are buying it at the best price, or which other retailers sell it at a more economical option.
Shop from home and pick it up at the store
We often pay a very high amount when it comes to shipping, and the cost can even be similar to the amount we paid for our item. If you are near the store where you are ordering from, save yourself a couple of bucks and when ordering it online, chose to pick it up at the store.
Shop on the right days or even months
If there is an item that you have had on your wishlist for a while, make sure that when you buy it, it is on the ‘cheap days’. Even if it is on a regular basis, know that Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, are the days where most of the discounts and sales occur in online stores. In the same way, there are certain periods in our calendars where stores are eager to clear out and they put up more discounts than ever, such as Black Friday, Cyber Monday, before Christmas, etc. It might require a little patience to wait for these dates, but if you really want to save up on your shopping, this is a way.
Clear your browser
Stores can be clever and find out which items you been checking and will use it against you. Outsmart them by deleting everything in your browsing data, or even navigating through your browser using incognito mode, this way there won’t be any track of the stores and items that you have searched previously. This might help to avoid prices rising on whatever is at the top of your wish list.