Did you know that over 22 million cases of digestive issues are diagnosed in the US every year?
There are many contributing factors to digestive disorders. They range from a poor diet, genetic predisposition, and low (or high) amounts of bacteria in the gut.
The bacteria in the gut is one of the most difficult health aspects to manage. For optimal digestion, you should have certain amounts of the right bacteria, the good bacteria. And you shouldn’t have any bad bacteria.
Probiotics are the best way to manage your gut flora. But with so many different types of probiotics, how do you pick the best one for you? And if your child needs digestive support, how do you pick the right one for them?
If you’ve ever wondered about the benefits of probiotics, as well as the types of probiotics available, read on!
What Are the Benefits of Probiotics?
Your intestines are home to over 100 trillion different microorganisms, with over 500 species. This mix of bacteria is subject to flux due to illness, food, infection, or inflammation. Having the right balance of gut flora allows you to keep bad bacteria in check, improve digestion and nutrient breakdown.
For example, good bacteria keep your yeast levels in check preventing yeast infection. They also produce vitamins, absorb nutrients from food, and stimulate your immune system.
When your bacteria is thrown off, you can have infections, diarrhea, poor digestion, bloating, and other symptoms. Probiotics are basically a dose of good bacterial colonies, to give your gut biome a boost.
Taking probiotics regularly can help digestion, ease bloating and gas, prevent diarrhea, lower the risk of vaginal and urinary infections, and even prevent autoimmune diseases. Keeping the right bacterial balance is key to a healthy digestive system and body.
Your doctor might suggest that you take probiotics in conjunction with antibiotics because antibiotics kill bacteria indiscriminately – both good and bad. Probiotics will replenish your good bacteria to maintain balance.
Common Different Types of Probiotics
Types of probiotics can also be called species of probiotics. Each supplement will contain several million microbiomes of good bacteria. Each formulation will have a different number and set of species of bacteria.
Because the balance of gut flora is so volatile, everyone will react differently to different kinds of probiotics. There are a few common kinds that are well tolerated.
This is an umbrella term for over thirty different species that live in the large intestine. They produce lactic acid and improve health by promoting GI tract function, a healthy immune system, and reduced infections.
They can also help support inflammatory bowel disease.
Lactobacillus is similar to bifidobacteria in that it is a kind of lactic acid-producing bacteria. There are over a hundred species.
They won’t live in your gut, instead, they’ll pass through and are considered transient bacteria. This is why lactobacilli species are considered important to supplement.
Lactococcus is a bacteria that is often found in dairy products like milk, and cheese. Lactococcus is useful when taking antibiotics because it can treat diarrhea caused by antibiotics. It also has antimicrobial properties.
Saccharomyces Boulardii
This species of bacteria is a kind of yeast that has been very well researched with over 100 studies. Another transient bacteria, S. Boulardii moves through your body fighting bad bacteria as it goes.
This species is beneficial for IBS, diarrhea, Chron’s disease, IBS, and more. It has also shown some success for parasitic infections.
Bacillus Strains
This is a category of probiotics that are referred to as “soil-based bacteria.” They can live in your gut, and actively help replace and balance missing bacteria in the gut.
Research has shown that they can improve diarrhea, pain, and bloating in IBS patients. They will also help with leaky gut and any intestinal inflammation.
One example is bacillus subtilis, which is a commonly used species of probiotics for improving digestive health. This improved digestive health can be experienced by both people with digestive disorders, and people without.
Picking a Supplement
Now that you understand the benefits of taking probiotics daily, in addition to the different kinds of probiotics, how do you pick the best probiotics for you?
Because everyone reacts differently to different bacterial colonies, there’s a bit of experimentation to the process.
Most of these bacteria are well-tolerated, but you might have adverse reactions like diarrhea, bloating, and gas. Adjusting to new probiotics takes time so some amount of symptoms are normal in the beginning. But, if these symptoms last more than a week, consider trying a different species of probiotics.
Picking a Supplement for Kids
Because kids aren’t always health-conscious, they might need probiotics more than anyone. Probiotic gummies for kids will have the same benefits as for adults, in addition to preventing diabetes.
Taking probiotic gummies regularly can prevent some cases of development of childhood type 1 diabetes. This form of diabetes is associated with inflammation of the intestines, due to a bacterial imbalance. Regular probiotic gummies have been associated with reduced incidences of diabetes.
Overall, there are a host of benefits to taking probiotic gummies that are formulated for growing bodies and sensitive stomachs.
Consider Supplementing With Probiotics Today
Now you know about the different types of probiotics available! Hopefully, you won’t hesitate to experience their benefits for yourself. It’s a very simple supplementation that can dramatically improve the quality of life for both you and your child.
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